Monday, March 11, 2013

Must See Video

If you care about America ... please watch this video

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 Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office

The sheriff received the following email from a Chicago resident: I would like to personally thank you for supporting America's 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, I live in Chicago where we just had 500 murders last year and hundreds of armed robberies and home invasions. This city is riddled with crime and the people cannot protect themselves, all we can do is be a victim of crime. So I would like to thank you for standing up for the Constitution and giving the victim's of crime a voice. A lot of mindless journalists and reporters are jumping to the conclusion that guns are just used for violence, they are trying to disarm the people who need it the most… the victims.

Hopefully my city can one day change, I am tired of being part of the highest murder rate city in America.

Thank you,
Armando Lopez

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