Monday, April 1, 2013

King Pinocchio

Last week, VP Joe Biden and Rep. Nancy Pelosi showed us - once again - how thorough their contempt is for our Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights. On a conference call organized by "Mayors Against Illegal Guns," Biden referred to current anti-gun legislation and told his anti-gun supporters, "Let me say this as clearly as I can: this is just the beginning."

The Last Man Standing

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US Agencies Joins War Against Gun Owner

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God Made A Democrat

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Universal Background Checks

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dumber than Dumb

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." --Cesare Beccaria

Legal to Hunt Humans 

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Colt to Bolt

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FEMA preparing for a Domestic War

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Don't Be Pushed Around - Stand-Up for Your Rights

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

There's a Phony In The White House

Obama's Hidden College Records - 3/18/2013

Obama May Cancel Easter Due to Sequester

Satan Is Being Likened to Obama

Monday, March 11, 2013

Must See Video

If you care about America ... please watch this video

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 Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office

The sheriff received the following email from a Chicago resident: I would like to personally thank you for supporting America's 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, I live in Chicago where we just had 500 murders last year and hundreds of armed robberies and home invasions. This city is riddled with crime and the people cannot protect themselves, all we can do is be a victim of crime. So I would like to thank you for standing up for the Constitution and giving the victim's of crime a voice. A lot of mindless journalists and reporters are jumping to the conclusion that guns are just used for violence, they are trying to disarm the people who need it the most… the victims.

Hopefully my city can one day change, I am tired of being part of the highest murder rate city in America.

Thank you,
Armando Lopez

Friday, March 8, 2013

Chief Flynn - The Ultimate "Kiss-Ass"

  Pro-Self Defense Sheriff  (Clarke of Milwaukee) Apologizes for "Embarrassing" Police Chief (Flynn of Milwaukee) Testimony

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 Washington County Sheriff Speaks Out

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This Scary 

Homeland Security Drones Designed to Identify Civilians Carrying Guns

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Obama is Purposely Hurting Americans

Leaked email adds fuel to claims White House playing politics over impact of cuts

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Obama administration tells feds to make sure the sequester hurts as much as advertised

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The reason why Obama is not trying to solve the fiscal chaos

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White House cancels tours because there’s no money; Americans now unable to say goodbye to the $250 million the Obama administration is sending Egypt

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Obama on Money

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Obama's 'Republican Sequester' 2014 Endgame

Republicans Are Throwing the Game!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Beware America

 Judge Jeanine on Gun Control
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Black Conservatives Support the NRA

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Do You Really NEED an AR-15

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This Guy is a Real Moron
  Vice President Joe Biden has a knack for putting his foot in his mouth. In an interview with Field and Stream, Biden said to people wanting to protect their homes, "…you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door." Biden's irresponsible advice makes it clear that he has, at best, a rudimentary knowledge of firearms and firearm safety.

What Has Happened to Colorado?

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Vietnam Veteran Denied His 2nd Amendment Rights

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liar ... Liar ... Pants on Fire

Obama is a Liar - What's New?

Woodward: Obama Not Telling Truth on Sequester

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Obama White House Threatens Reporters 

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The Mega-Rich Buy Themselves  Into the White House

Late last week, the New York Times reported that Organizing for Action is basically selling access to President Obama for a cool half million:
Unlike a presidential campaign, Organizing for Action has been set up as a tax-exempt “social welfare group.” That means it is not bound by federal contribution limits, laws that bar White House officials from soliciting contributions, or the stringent reporting requirements for campaigns. In their place, the new group will self-regulate.

Giving or raising $500,000 or more puts donors on a national advisory board for Mr. Obama’s group and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House. Moreover, the new cash demands on Mr. Obama’s top donors and bundlers come as many of them are angling for appointments to administration jobs or ambassadorships.

 “I don't take a dime of their (lobbyist) money, and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House” - Barack Obama … liar … liar … pants on fire!

Prisoner Release

The federal government released groups of illegal immigrants from custody across the country Monday at the same time the White House was making its case that impending budget cuts would harm efforts to protect the border and enforce federal immigration laws.
Advocates reported “waves” of illegal immigrants being released from at least three detention centers in Texas, Florida and Louisiana.
U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement confirmed the release of some illegal immigrants Monday night but would not say how many or from which detention centers.

Mr. President you said you would enforce federal
immigration laws … liar … liar … pants on fire!

The 2nd American Revolution

Gun Control Does Work

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Sheriff Clarke Warns of Second 
American Revolution over Gun Control

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Universal Gun Registration

Universal Registration

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"Background checks are at the heart of the Obama administration's anti-gun agenda. While that may sound reasonable, background checks are aimed at one thing — registering your guns. When another tragic 'opportunity' presents itself that registry will be used to confiscate your guns."

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Humorous: Women Take Joe Biden's 'Buy a Shotgun!' Advice

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Monday, February 25, 2013

2nd Amendment - Stand-Up and Fight

Ex-Secret Service Agent's Patriotic Speech Catches Fire  

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Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales 

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Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack of Prosecutions for NICS Denials

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Gaining Momentum: Now 44 Gun Companies Have Stopped Selling to Law Enforcement In Anti-2nd Amendment States

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Joe Biden's Advice on Women's Self Defense 

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                   WE NEED YOUR HELP                            Feinstein to Hold Another (Anti-) Gun Hearing This Week
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 Please contact your elected representative and respectfully
urge them to protect our second amendment rights.  
You can reach your member
 of the
Senate at 202-224-3121
House at 202-225–3121



Friday, February 22, 2013

Is There a Communist in the White House?


 Barack Obama and the Communist Party

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'After my election I have more flexibility': Microphones pick up Obama making astonishing boast during private discussion with Russian president

Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Annie Get Your Gun"


The Anti-Choice Left’s Disarming of the American Woman

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 "I can tell you that a call box above my head while I was straddled on the parking garage floor being brutally raped wouldn't have helped me one bit. The safe zone? I was in a safe zone and my attacker didn't care" Amanda Collins

Click here to view interview

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Obama's Lapdogs

The Apple Doesn't Fall Very Far From the Tree
Charges have been filed against Jesse Jackson Jr. for “misusing” $750,000 in campaign funds, including spending $30,000 on Michael Jackson and Bruce Lee memorabilia. For the children.

Former President Bill Clinton Warns Democrats
Former President Bill Clinton warned a group of top Democratic donors at address before a joint meeting of the Obama National Finance Committee meeting not to underestimate the passions that gun control stirs among many Americans.
“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them,” Clinton said.

Politico's VandeHei and Allen: Why We're Obama's Lapdogs

Politico's Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen (VandeAllen) must have recently woke up feeling a little dirty about themselves and their chosen profession. Maybe it was due to Obama not leaving any money on the dresser this weekend. Whatever the motivation, it is fun to read their long, rambling rationalization for why they, their awful publication, and the media as a whole have spent the last four years willingly assuming the position of Obama's footstool.

What we obviously have here is a case of Battered Media Syndrome. The media obediently adore, ferociously protect, and do everything Barack tells them to do. But right now the media are feeling a little taken for granted -- battered, if you will.  But rather than stand up for themselves, the boys at Politico have composed a love letter to Obama, that says in so many words: You only treat us bad because you’re so amazing!
It's 1800 words, but the first few paragraphs say it all:
Barack Obama is a master at limiting, shaping and manipulating media coverage of himself and his White House.
Not for the reason that conservatives suspect: namely, that a liberal press willingly and eagerly allows itself to get manipulated. Instead, the mastery mostly flows from a White House that has taken old tricks for shaping coverage (staged leaks, friendly interviews) and put them on steroids using new ones (social media, content creation, precision targeting). …
The results are transformational. With more technology, and fewer resources at many media companies, the balance of power between the White House and press has tipped unmistakably toward the government. This is an arguably dangerous development, and one that the Obama White House — fluent in digital media and no fan of the mainstream press — has exploited cleverly and ruthlessly.
The biggest lie VandeAllen telsl -- and it's a major-league whopper -- is assuming a pose of helplessness: It's not our fault we suck, Conservatives. It's just that we're powerless before Obama's awesomeness!
As we all know, the media are far from helpless; Politico is far from helpless; VandeAllen is far from helpless. Apparently, though, something brought on a wave of shame, and as a response to all this self-revulsion, VendeAllen has decided to craft a public excuse for the media that claims the institution is a victim, not an accomplice.
The truth, however, is that when it really wants something, there's nothing the media can't get. All that's required is coordinated Narrative pressure that says, "Do this, or you will pay a political price." The media do this all the time … to Republicans. The recipe is simple and startlingly effective:
1. The media decide they want something, like for Mitt Romney to stop criticizing Obama about Libya.
2. The media as a whole coordinate a Narrative that mercilessly whack-a-moles Mitt Romney every time he brings up Libya.
3. Mitt Romney shuts up about Libya.
Another example:
1. The media decide they want something, like to help Obama win re-election.
2. At the very same time the media choose to ignore the scandals around high-profile Democrat Jesse Jackson Jr., they decide to hang around Mitt Romney's neck one stupid statement about abortion made by some nobody-Republican in Missouri.
3. Using this statement, the media as a whole coordinate a months-long War-On-Women Narrative that mercilessly punishes Romney and the GOP for something they didn't say and immediately repudiated.  
Through the power of a coordinated Narrative, time and again, we've seen the media get what they want, when they want. What we never see, though, is this Narrative turned against Obama. But I can't begin to count how many times this Narrative has been used to protect Obama.
Whether it's the Libya cover-up, the state of the economy, the BP oil spill, or whatever battle he might be in with the GOP at the time, the media are brutally effective at muscling up Narratives that punish Obama's critics, and magically turn bad economic news into good.
Nothing, however, proves VandeAllen's lie more than the one time the media actually did pressure Obama into doing something: coming out in favor of same-sex marriage. Contrary to the mythology, it was not Vice President Joe Biden who forced Obama's hand on the issue. It was the media. After Biden told ABC News he supported same-sex marriage, the media pounded Obama to stop lying about his opposition to it. Finally, he was forced to do exactly that.
Same-sex marriage is an issue the media are desperate to advance, so the media summoned their power to force Obama's hand. Unfortunately for America, another issue the media are desperate to advance is Obama himself.
The thing is this, though, it's all a ruse, a scam, a hustle, a racket. If the media admit they are part of the Democratic Party, that's the day they begin to lose power. The shield of objectivity must be protected at all costs, even if it means having VandeAllen hold the media up for ridicule as a weak, helpless victim. But all you need do is look around to see the truth…
Millions are suffering in Obama's failed economy, but the media are talking instead about the divisive social issues Obama wants to talk about (gun control, immigration).
Four Americans died in Libya; the unanswered questions are legion. But it's those who demand answers that feel the power of the media, not those who refuse to answer.
The media have plenty of power to get what it wants from Obama. But what the media want is to protect their lover; even a lover who treats them like the prostitutes they are.
Someday the very same "journalists" selling this country out will no longer be in a position to write the first draft of history. We just have to hope Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and the rest live long enough to read an objective history written about their appalling behavior in the Age of Obama.
If the media are feeling dirty and used now, just wait.
 Follow  John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents Day

President Reagan and Skip Meucci
Milwaukee - 1988
President Reagan's Biography

We could use President Reagan's leadership today!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Red Herring"

President Obama and Democrat lawmakers want to register Americans for “background checks”, similar to what Canada and Britain did before they literally confiscated firearms.  The left can shout about “red herrings” all that they want but many Americans can sniff the gun-grabbing agenda a mile away.

 "Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms." - Aristotle

Crime Soared with Mass. Gun Law   
article from the Boston Globe Sunday, February 17, 2013

The truth on background checks

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Obama’s proposals won’t reduce gun violence

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Stossel Exposes Myth: Gun Control Laws Reduce Crime

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